What She Said...Best!

Nov 15th

An all-female musical revue ("The Diva Concert") created and crafted in 2022 by critically-acclaimed vocalist/ producer Sandra Marlowe and award-winning director/actress Gaye Kruger Ribble.

This latest show includes “the Divas” finest moments, brought back to the stage for two nights – exclusive engagement, limited seating – at Hamilton Studio, Spokane’s hot new listening room with a bistro vibe. Marlowe and Kruger-Ribble, along with “divas” Carol Davis, Robin Hambey, Beth Rainey, Kim Plewniak and Sophie Johnson share the stage in a concert cabaret, showcasing women’s voices and perspectives through songs from five genres – pop, country, blues, Broadway, jazz – with stories that applaud what it means to be female. These talented women, ranging in age across six decades, will also share anecdotes from the road – the highs, lows and humor of being performers. A recording and film production company, Hamilton Studio will be filming the shows and the audience will get to participate in this interactive and engaging cabaret. “Soulful, funny, poignant, irreverent, authentic” – you will want to be a part of this!

Hamilton Studio

1427 W Dean Ave
Spokane, WA 99201